How to mass import product from excel


How to mass import product from excel

Go to backend and login

Go to items>product information

Click on import

Tick the boxes accordingly (if unsure, just tick all)

Select whether to replace existing item information. (select yes to update product information according to barcode number)(select no when creating new item)

Click on select to select your files

Click on upload to complete the upload

Wait for the upload to finish. If upload fail, it will prompt an error message below

You can click on download import template to get a template excel and fill it up accordingly.

Note: The max amount of item you can upload at a time is 1500.

Note: The file must be in xls format and less than 3m

Note: The barcode number should only be filled with Numbers (you can add a few alphabet and a dash. Eg. S1000-1)

Note: You need to filled up all compulsory field(you can fill up stock and cost price as zero if you do not require them)

Note: Ensure all prices field and stock amount are in number format.
