Cashier account rights


Cashier account rights

This is to show the rights that a cashier account could have.

Front end rights

1 Allow Payment: Un-select this would disable the cashier right to make transaction payment.

2 Disallow random: This is to disable the open price item icon

3 Edit product detail: Does not allow cashier to edit the product

4 Change price: To disable discount at item level

5 Change amount: To disable discount at bill level

6 Edit stock level: To change the stock amount

7 Submit purchase: To make stock in at flow in

8 Confirm purchase: To confirm purchase and front end

9 Order: To make order request at the menu

10 Reject: To do refund

11 Item transfer: To to transfer between outlet

12 Remove account: To delete account from the POS

13 Void receipt: To void a past transaction

14 Blind handover and 15 Search change of: 14 would make it a blind handover where only the amount would be input while 15 would give a clear detail handover.

16 Member recharge: Allow the make recharge for member

17  Edit member: To edit detail of member

18 Returned per use: To refund the per use card for member

19 Delete held order: To cancel held order 

20 Stock management: To make any edit to stock

21 Visible Stocktake: To view the stock amount when stocking and stock check

22 Search chain store: To search stock amount on related outlet

23 Open cashbox: To open up the cashbox

24 Do not display back: To open setting Enter back office in menu

25 Reprint: To allow printing at sale report

26 Manage system: To enter system in menu

27 Edit delivery: To change the amount in delivery

28 Wastage report: Checking of this will forbid the usage of wastage function

29 Day Closing: To do end of day closing

30 Giveaway disallowed: To prevent giving free gift

31 Per use card: To extend the per use card validity period

32 Disable add member: To prevent adding new member

33 Open item check: Checking this will forbid the usage of open price item function

34 E.O.D. Closing: Checking this will forbid the usage of EOD function


Back End Right

Back ends right are usually given to client's accountant and manager. It is grouped according to the category in back end. The cashier information rights are usually not given as all cashier account password would be able to view there.
